National Endowment for Financial Education Workbook
A workbook that supports NEFE’s Smart About Money online financial education program. Smart About Money is a free web resource that teaches adults about everything from saving and investing, to managing credit card debt.

National Endowment for Financial Education Report
NEFE is a nonprofit foundation that funds in-depth academic research in order to better understand financial behavior. NEFE hired Cristina to transform research full of facts and figures into a clean, elegant, report that can be comprehended at quick glance.

Sovos White Paper
Cristina developed a creative concept referencing the collision course of VAT (Value Added Tax) compliance and SAP S/4 Migration (SAP is one of the world’s leading producers of software for the management of business processes.) After this cover was chosen she carried the sleek, modern, feel of the cover into the interior layout of the report.

Genetech Brochure
An invitation promoting a webinar series providing cutting edge education about infusion therapies for patients with Multiple Sclerosis. The design Cristina created illustrates a balance between patient care, infusion methods, and MRI imagery in MS treatment.

Abbott Labs Dermatology Binder
Folio cover design for an educational conference targeting dermatologists. A clean, graphic approach was utilized in this cover design to brighten a difficult topic.

Sovos Sell Sheet and Web Graphics
Print and digital designs for Sovos, a global financial software company. Sovos developed sophisticated new branding and hired Cristina to create designs that would showcase the new look. She designed print and digital sell sheets, white papers, and infographics.

Chicago Park District Banners
A set of seasonal banners displayed at park district buildings across the city of Chicago.

NYMEX Foundation Annual Report
The NYMEX foundation donates to organizations assisting children in need around the greater New York metropolitan area.

AIGA Denver & VSA Colorado/Access Gallery Poster
A social justice poster researched and designed by Cristina, and donated to the Giving Voice poster show in July, 2015.

Clariti White Paper
A 9-page white paper to serve as a guide for government employees embarking on large community development projects. Cristina created a clean, modern design with unique organic shapes, numbered items icons to lead the viewer through the content.